Capuchin Soup Kitchen

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pathway Patterns Activity

Sharing Pathway Patterns with the class was very rewarding to me.
I liked the individual patterns and the way you worked together to connect them.
It is always more fun than me making patterns alone.
I loved the final, connected group pattern.
I appreciated the thoughts and ideas you shared at the end of the activity.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Site Introductions

I was so impressed with the art therapists we met during our field trip yesterday, the work they do, and the  people they inspire: to have hope, to alleviate pain, to be the best we can be, and to make and share art.

Making art that visually touched people used to be my focus; but more and more my focus is becoming to make art with people that we can touch together.

The most memorable vision from the trip for me was the waiting area of the emergency room at Children's Hospital - so many children, so many parents, so long waiting.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hi Mame; Hi Community Leaders; Hi Students.
This is a first for me: my own blog site.  It was so easy to start up and I'm excited about design possibilities.

I enjoyed the self introductions last week.  I'm impressed with the diversity of our experiences, and  I'm eager to get the list of everyone's blog addresses to start exchanging ideas.

I'm looking forward to the class trip tomorrow, to take a quick look at our community sites.

I've started reading Has Modernism Failed by Suzi Gablik and find it helpful to understanding our current art world.